Hide skin Business Opportunities

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHOmBV4js_E Introduction A hide or skin is an animal skin treated for human use. The word “hide” is related to the German word “Haut” which means skin. The industry defines hides as “skins” of large animals e.g. cow, buffalo; while skins refer to “skins” of smaller animals: goat, sheep, deer, pig, fish, alligator, snake, etc. Uses Hide skin as a key ingredient for making: Leather goods Footwear Cloth Traditional drum…

Coco Yam Business Opportunities 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHOmBV4js_E Introduction Cocoyams are herbaceous perennial plants belonging to the family Araceae and are grown primarily for their edible roots, although all parts of the plant are edible. Cocoyam consists of Vitamin B1 which is also known as thiamine is a crucial vitamin for increasing focus, energy, fighting chronic stress, and perhaps preventing memory loss. Several researches…

Locust Bean Business Opportunities 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHOmBV4js_E Introduction The pods of the tree, commonly referred to as locust beans, are pink in the beginning and turn dark brown when fully mature. Local research has shown that locust bean helps to promote good sight and drives away hypertension and diseases conditions like stroke and diabetes. It also contains tannins, astringent substances found in many plants….

Tiger Nut Business Opportunities 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHOmBV4js_E Introduction Tiger nuts also known as chufa, yellow nutsedge, or earth almonds are not actually nuts, but rather edible tubers. They’re the size of a chickpea but wrinkly with a chewy texture and sweet nutty flavor similar to coconut. Tiger nuts are a relatively low-carb food, meaning they’re great for people with diabetes who struggle to…

Sesame Business Opportunities

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHOmBV4js_E Introduction  Sesame/beniseed is a widely cultivated chiefly tropical or subtropical annual erect herb (Sesamum indicum of the family Pedaliaceae) also its small seeds used especially as a source of oil and a flavoring agent.  A 3-tablespoon (30-gram) serving of sesame seeds supplies 12% of the RDI for fiber, which is vital for your digestive health….