
The raffia palm tree (Raphia hookeri) is commonly found in West Africa and is abundant in the southern parts of Nigeria, in particular the south-eastern parts. The raffia palm tree is a representative of the family Palmae or Palmaceae. The raffia palm usually grows to 12 m high


Raffia palm as a key ingredient for making:

  1. Mat
  2. Bag
  3. Wine
  4. Fiber

Production, export, import and consumption in Nigeria


Growing raffia palm

To plant a raffia palm tree it requires a hot, sunny position in a moist soil. Prefers a pH in the range 5 – 6, tolerating 4.5 – 6.5. Dislikes saline soils. Plants can tolerate being in flooded ground.

Sowing and harvest period

Its set of flowers blooms when the plant reaches 20 to 30 years old. After this event, it starts a senescence process – a slow death that might take up to a few years.

Main Producing States in Nigeria.

  1. Benue 
  2. Ekiti
  3. Enugu
  4. Akwa-Ibom

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